Monday 1 December 2008

It's tea time!

Google kindly email me notifications of all blogs and websites that link to Brittique. I check them all and enjoy discovering new blogs who have discovered Brittique. Recently a blogger had linked to the new Emma Cook collection and commented on all the items she wanted.

When I read through the blog though it was not just on fashion but a starvation journal. This poor, troubled girl dairied everything she ate (or didn't) while other disturbed people congratulated her on only eating 1 tablespoon of ice cream, half an apple and litres and litres of black coffee a day followed by hours at the gym. Of course she'd have major slipups - her body was starving! - and she would punish herself by eating less and exercising more.

The blogger's thinspiration was the many images of catwalk models with their skeletal figures plodding down the runways. The fashion industry has a responsibility and I hope all the press of the size zero model doesn't quiet down and more is done to promote a healthy image.

I'm doing my bit. I'm working at my desk with a a fresh warm slice of my homemade banana cake with a weak, black Earl Grey tea. Here's to the fashionistas who eat!


Anonymous said...

I agree Nicole

How sad that people actually get a kick out of this; thankfully more & more are aware of a healthier look these days!

&, spooky - just reading your blog e-mail at my desk with a weak black green tea & a piece of homemade cake too!!! lol how strange.

I will be in touch soon with our new collection; we have found (or rather they found us!) a fabulous new designer workshop/factory in beautiful Mid Wales to work with & develop Frocked; & you know they are good when they have done work for Viviene Westwood amongst others!

Hope all well

Sobriquet said...

I want Banana Bread/Cake!!!

Anonymous said...

that girl's news sounds troubling.

but nice post!
banana cake sounds pretty good for breakfast :)